Event Categories


(Athletes in the Fitness division have the option to participate in Physique)

Male Fitness will do one individual TWALK at the start of the show, with a maximum of 3 poses on each point, followed by group half turn comparisons and then 3 creative compulsory poses called in a lineup where you can choose from front abdominal and thigh, side chest and one arm bicep per category.

During the Group Symmetry round, Athletes will go through ½ turn comparisons (Front relaxed, Rear). During the Group Muscularity Round, Athletes will go through the 3 compulsory muscularity poses (Front Abdominal and Thigh, Side Chest, 1 Arm Bicep). Judges are looking for X-Shape muscular physique with round-built shoulders and V-Taper, including a visual 6-pack and hard mid-section. Stage presence and confidence are essential for this division.

Beginner, Novice, Under 25, Over 25, Over 35, Open, Mens Fitness Overall

Athletes will be able to wear their chosen Euro shorts.


(Athletes in the Physique division have the option to participate in Classic)

Male Physique will do one individual TWALK at the start of the show, with a maximum of 3 poses on each point, followed by 2 Group Judging Rounds (Symmetry and Muscularity). During the Group Symmetry round, Athletes will go through ½ turn comparisons (Front relaxed, Rear).

During the Group Muscularity Round, Athletes will go through the 5 compulsory muscularity poses (Front Abdominal, Side Chest, Side Tricep, Rear Double Bicep and Front Double Bicep). Judges are looking for X-Shape muscular physique (bigger than Mens Fitness) with round-built shoulders and V-Taper, including a visual 6-pack and hard mid-section.

Symmetry, shape, stage presence and confidence are all essential for this division.

Athletes will be able to wear their chosen Boardshorts.

Beginner, Novice, Under 25, Over 25, Over 35, Open, Mens Physique Model Overall

Classic Physique

(Athletes in the classic division have the option to participate in bodybuilding or physique)

If groups are larger we will split into two divisions both short and tall. Short being under 173cm & tall over 173.1cm

Individual T walk with favourite classic physique style posing (3 max) on each point. There will then be symmetry rounds followed by muscular round and judges comparisons if needed.

All file back for your quarter turn comparisons and then your muscular round.

  • Front double bicep
  • Side Chest
  • Side Tricep
  • Rear Bicep
  • Abdominal & Thighs

Optional Posing Routine: Athletes to provides 60/90 second music track in mp3 and provided on a usb stick can also be emailed to the DJ of your event.

Judges will be looking muscularity, (not as muscular and conditioned as bodybuilding) symmetry, portion, shape & stage presence.

Black Euro Shorts Only.


Beginner, Short under 173cm, Tall over 173.1cm, Open, Novice, Classic Physique Overall


(Athletes in the Bodybuilding division have the option to participate in Classic)


Judged on muscularity, condition, symmetry, shape and presentation. Competitors should have the most muscularity of all divisions while still maintaining a natural look. Condition should show a full six pack, separation in shoulders, arms quads, hamstrings, glutes, with cross striations where achievable.

Physique should be balanced all over with chest, shoulder, arm and back (upper body) development matching glute, quad, hamstring & calf development (lower body), left side matching right side and front development matching back development.

  • Compulsory poses: Front Double Bicep Front Lateral Spread Side Chest (preferred side) Side Tricep (preferred side) Rear Double Biceps (spiked calf) Rear Lateral Spread Abdominal and Thigh
  • Symmetry Round consisting of 4 x quarter turns
  • Optional Posing Routine: athletes to provides 60/90 second music track in mp3 and provided on a usb stick can also be emailed to the DJ of your event


Junior Under 25
Masters 40+
Ultra Masters 50+
U65kg, U70kg, U80kg, U90kg, O90kg
Bodybuilding Overall

NSW Only – Teenage, Over 50+

Male Novice

Athletes are eligible to compete as a Novice until you have placed FIRST at that level of competition. An athlete that places First in Novice at a Regional competition will still be eligible for Novice at the following State based competition, likewise athletes who place First in Novice at a State based competition will be eligible to compete as a Novice at the following National or International Level of competition.


A slightly softer, X shape physique compared to the female fitness class. Judged on condition, symmetry, shape and presentation. Bikinis athletes still have to look like they train

Competitors should be lean enough to show an outline / lines of abdominals but not a full six pack.

Overall we are looking for an X shape physique, full shoulders without separation and with a taper from the lats that match the hammies, glutes and quad development.

Tight, full and well Rounded glutes with visible hamstring tie ins however no separation.

Judges are looking for the complete package with great stage presence, overall beauty and confidence.

  • Athletes are required to do one individual TWALK  at the start of the show, followed by group half turns per category.
  • Reminder we ask all female fitness and bikini to pose with their arms down at the side not outwards for best judgement of shape and symmetry.

Beginner, Novice, Under 25, Over 25, Over 35, Open, Womens Bikini Overall


In this division we are looking for a well-muscled physique with big muscle bellies and symmetry top to bottom. Matching muscularity from lower to upper.

The Sports competitor should have more muscle than that of a female bikini athlete. From the bottom we are looking for muscular legs with quad line detail in the front pose. Tight & Muscular glutes with matching hamstrings. In the Mid section there should be at a minimum oblique detail and a six pack abdomen is also acceptable in this category (Unlike Bikini)

Up top the athlete should have capped delts but no striations , a wide and muscular back.

Athletes will wear ANB sports model tops and bottoms with runners.

Beginner, Novice
U25, O25, O35

The female sports division can cross over to the female fitness division*

Round one – Athletes come out and do an in TWALK 3 of your favourite poses at each point

Round 2 – Compulsory half turns and comparisons

Female Fitness

Overall we are looking for an X shape physique, full shoulders with slight separation, well developed lats that match the hammies, glutes and quad development.

Competitors should be lean enough to show a full 6 pack.

Tight, full and well developed Rounded glutes with visible developed hamstring tie ins with slight separation.

More athletic then bikini and less muscular than figure.

Judges are looking for the complete package with great stage presence, overall beauty and confidence.

  • Athletes are required to do one individual TWALK  at the start of the show, followed by group half turns per category.
  • Reminder we ask all female fitness and bikini athletes to pose with their arms down at the side not outwards for best judgement of shape and symmetry.

Beginner, Novice, Under 25, Over 25, Over 35, Open, Womens Fitness Overall
Female fitness division can cross over to the sports division*

Female Figure

Judged on muscularity condition, symmetry, shape and presentation. Competitors should have more muscularity than a fitness competitor but not the level of a women’s physique competitor.

Condition should show a full six pack, separation in shoulders, arms or quads, hamstrings, some striations acceptable but glutes should not be fully striated.

Physique should be balanced over all with chest, shoulder, arm and back (upper body) development matching glute quad, hamstring & calf development (lower body), left side matching right side and front development matching back development.

Judged in a 2 piece figure bikini, high heels to be worn.

  • Rd1 Compulsory Poses (Front Double Biceps, Side chest, Side Tricep, Rear Double Biceps, Abs & Thighs)
  • Symmetry Round consisting of 4 x quarter turns
  • Optional Posing Routine: athletes to provides 60 second music track in MP3 and provided on a USB stick can also be emailed to promoter.

Figure Divisions*
Novice, Open, Figure Overall

Swimsuit – International

Swimsuit International is an open division for all Bikini and Female Fitness Athletes.

Judged in a one piece swimsuit, on stage presentation, symmetry and posing.

Swimsuits need to flatter the body.

This is one round only, in groups and athletes will be judged on presentation, shape, symmetry posing & creativity of the one piece.

Open to Bikini and Female Fitness Athletes

Female Novice

Athletes are eligible to compete as a Novice until you have placed FIRST at that level of competition. An athlete that places First in Novice at a Regional competition will still be eligible for Novice at the following State based competition, likewise athletes who place First in Novice at a State based competition will be eligible to compete as a Novice at the following National or International Level of competition.

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